Carlos Azevedo
President of IES-Social Business School, began collaborating with the SBI-SBS in 2015. He was President and founder of ESLIDER-PORTUGAL-national network of leaders of Civil Society, was member of the administration of the EUCLID-NETWORK-European network of leaders of Civil Society and member of the administration of the Association "world Smile". Previously, he was General Coordinator of the UDIPSS-PORT-District union of private social welfare institutions. He was also Associated Researcher at INSEAD and Assistant Researcher at the Universidade Católica Portuguesa-Centro Regional do Porto. Teacher in higher education and doctorate in economics at the School of Economics and Management at the University of Minho.
Carlos Alberto Ferreira Neto
Professor at the Faculdade de Motricidade Humana (FMH) of the University of Lisbon (UL). Is currently President of the House from the Beach-Center Doctor João dos Santos. He was a member of the General Council of the University of Lisbon (2015-2017). President of FMH (January 2010 to July 2014), makes now part of the Department of sport and health and Motor Behavior laboratory.
Physical education instructor by the Physical Education School of Lisbon (1971); Degree in physical education (1975) by the National Institute of physical education, he taught at the higher Institute of physical education (1976 to 1984) and is currently Professor of Faculdade de Motricidade Humana since 1985.
Teaches the disciplines of Motor development in different courses of Bachelor of sports science, the discipline of observing the Child Development degree in psychomotor rehabilitation and discipline of physical education I at the master's degree on teaching of physical education. Is coordinator of the master's degree in child development.
Played still several management positions in the ISEF and FMH: Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors; President of the pedagogical Committee; President of the Scientific Council (2 terms); President of the Assembly of representatives (3 terms) and President of the Motor Adaptation and Development Laboratory and Chairman of the Department of Sciences of Motricity.
He was a founder of the Society of Physical Education, member of several scientific journals and has published several works in scientific journals, chapters of books and participated in several seminars, congresses and training actions on Physical Education and Sports, motor development and physical education teaching in the first levels of schooling and child development and play.
The main lines of research are in the study of the development of motor skills and effects of teaching situations (1); play and development of the child (2); life routines and independence of mobility in children and young people (3) and "bullying" in recess (4).
He was a member of the Coordinating Council of the Child Support Institute and participated in the creation and coordination of the Play Activity Group. He was founder and president of the International Society for Child Studies (SIEC) and is the Portuguese representative of the International Play Association (IPA). He organized in 1999 (1999) the XIV IPA World Conference (Play and Community), in 1997 the 20th International Congress (Play and Society) of ICCP (International Council of Children's Play) and in 2008 the 4th International Conference of Violence in School.
Between 1998-2003 he was the coordinator of the international project "TMR Network Project - Nature and Prevention of Bullying: the causes and nature of bullying and social exclusion in schools, and ways of preventing them".
He is the author of the books "Game and Development of the Child", "Motricity and Play in Childhood", Topics in development in Childhood and Adolescence "and" Playing in Cascais ".
David Justino
Graduated in economics from Instituto Superior de Economia da Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, and Ph.d. in Sociology from the College of Social and Human Sciences of Universidade Nova de Lisboa. For his doctoral dissertation, titled National Economic Area Formation Portugal 1810-1914, received the Gulbenkian Prize of science and technology, in 1987.
He began his career as an Assistant at the Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão. Actually, David Justino is na associate professor with aggregation of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities.
Is President of the National Council of Education and Advisor of the President of the Republic for Social Affairs.
Was researcher at the University of Évora, consultant of Bolsa de Valores de Lisboa, the Luso-American Foundation and Taguspark.
On 26 January 2016 was awarded the Grand Cross of the order of Infante D. Henrique.
Fátima Claudino
Researcher and Master in Archaeology, Underwater Cultural Heritage and a degree in History. Currently performs functions in the Ministry Foreign Affairs-National Commission of UNESCO. Is responsible for the UNESCO associated schools Network, and also in activities directed at underwater cultural heritage preservation, component of your area of academic research. Streamlines and applies the lighthouse projects of UNESCO at the national and international level: sport and Doping; Educational project of Transatlantic Slave Route, "break the silence"; Atlantic Project; World Heritage project in the hands of young people; Project of Inclusive Education; Education for Sustainable Development; Education for AIDS Prevention, and Education Project - Kit on the Underwater Cultural Heritage, particularly with the PALOP.
Janine Fonseca Viegas
Pedagogue, researcher, writer, speaker and educational consultant. Graduated from the Universidade do Estado de Minas Gerais (UEMG) in Belo Horizonte/Brazil, master student at the University of La Empresa (UDE) in Montevideo/Uruguay, art teacher from primary school to high school, researcher of Educating Cities and pedagogical Methodologies Innovative, writer of several educational articles and books: “The city speaks!” and Creative Epistemology, Lecturer in public and private schools, universities and associations, also educational consultant in Crieducart who attends to educational institutions in the cities of Belo Horizonte, Contagem and Betim in Minas Gerais.
Joaquim de Azevedo
Joaquim Azevedo (1955), was born in Santa Maria da Feira and lives in Porto. He has a degree in History (University of Porto) and Ph.D in Educational Sciences (University of Lisbon).
It was student leader (1973-77), school director (1978-1983), regional planning of technical education, the CCDR-N (1983-1988), member of the Committee on Education Reform (1986-1988), director- general of the Ministry of Education in GETAP (1988-1992), Secretary of State for Basic and Secondary Education of the XII Constitutional Government (1992-1993), Director of the Faculty of Education and Psychology of the Catholic University (2002-2010), President of CR Oporto, the Catholic University (2006-2013). Joaquim de Azevedo represented Portugal in several international institutions such as the OECD (CERI) and UNESCO.
It is distinguished in the field of education for the release of the vocational and professional schools in Portugal (1989) and professional schools in Mozambique (2001), in the creation of the School Association Training Centres (training centers for teachers, 1993), on the coordination of the National Debate on Education, organized by the National Council of Education (2007) and the launch of the Major Arc Project (2013), which hosts the young students who left schools, in the city of Porto in a new educational proposal, which is a new educational proposal, the young students who left schools, in the city of Oporto.
Since its Foundation, he’s the President of the Board of Directors of Fundação Manuel Leon (1996-2016), in Vila Nova de Gaia.
At present he´s a researcher at the Human Development Research Centre (UCP) and Professor at the Catholic University.
Joan Manuel del Pozo
He holds a PhD in philosophy from University of Barcelona and is Professor of Ancient philosophy, political philosophy and ethics of communication at the University of Girona (since 1987). He has been Professor of Institute at Ripoll (1973-77) and Professor in Figueras (1977-82), tutor of Humanities at the Open University of Catalonia (1996-06), Vice-Rector for research and knowledge transfer at the University of Girona (2000-02). Member of the Board of Directors of the Catalan society of philosophy (2002-07) and (since 2004) member of the Applied ethics, Social Action, Educational and Socio-health Observatory Campus Arnau d' scale.
Luis Pedro Cerqueira
Born in Lisbon but always lived in Barreiro. Graduated in architecture by Faculdade de Arquitetura de Lisboa, master in Urban and Regional Planning by the Universidade Técnica de Lisboa and an expert in Architecture and Urbanism by the Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal. Develop his professional activity in public administration, including teaching curricular units of urban and regional planning in EST do Barreiro (beginning in 2000/2001) and EST de Setúbal (beginning in 2016/2017) and Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal, with the category of Associate Professor. Played functions in boards of Directors, representing Public Sector shareholders and as Adviser to the Office of the Secretary of State for transport. He was also elected for professional associations like the National Council of Delegates of the order of Architects and town planners ' Association. Assumed the candidacy to the Presidency of the AUP, representative of the principal planners of Portugal, having accepted the challenge and he was elected in December 2014 to Chairman of the Board of the AUP for the period 2015/2017. He is Vice-President of the Board of Directors of the FIU-Federación Iberoamericana de urbanists, since June 2017.
Nelson Dias
Sociologist-consultant of the World Bank in Mozambique, Mexico and the Russian Federation for the design and evaluation of processes of participatory democracy, in particular participatory budgets. Consultant of the United Nations and the Government of the Republic of Cape Verde to the concept of participatory democracy processes. Brazil's Federal Government consultant for the design of a national strategy for the development of medium-sized cities. Consultant to numerous municipalities to the concept of participatory democracy processes.
Pedro Norton de Matos
Degree in organization and management of companies by ISCTE, your academic curriculum account with several formations at INSEAD and the Wharton School and a certification in Coaching by EUC. Passed by Rank Xerox and Unisys technology, where he played roles in the commercial area. Assumed the position of CEO at Unisys Portugal, Spain and Italy and on operator ONI. He was also a non-Executive Administrator of Inapa and founding partner of MyChange, Gingko and INCIRCLE, and member of the Advisory Board of the Oracle Ibérica. Currently, he is the founder and organizer of the Green Festival, organizer of the Forum Expressed XXI, founding partner of Green Movement, Member of the remunerations Committee of motorway operator Brisa, a member of the advisory board of start-ups, administrator/founder of Association for Digital information centres, an NGO for the promotion of social inclusion through digital literacy; strategic consultant in the area of transformational change and coaching and vowel of the EPWN management.