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Smart Citizenship Academy | Speakers 2018


Community  Development  and  Social  Protection  Specialist  in  the  World  Bank, worked  during  last  8  years on  promotion  of  participatory  budgeting  in  Russia  and  support  of  regional  and  municipal  governments  in  design  and  implementation  of  Local  Initiatives  Support  Program  (LISP).  Currently  she  is  coordinating  national  and  regional  level  activities  aimed  at  developing  participatory  and  community  development  practices  in  Russia.
PhD  from  the  European  University  Institute and  ISCTE  (1999).  He  is  a  Research  Fellow  at  the  Institute  of  Social  Sciences  of  the  University  of  Lisbon  and  a  Guest  Professor  at  ISCTE,  Lisbon.  He  was  a  Guest  Professor  at  Stanford  University and  Georgetown,  and  Visiting  Researcher  at  Princeton  University and  University  of  California-Berkeley  (2000  and  2010).  Between  1999  and  2003  he  was  a  regular  Guest  Professor  at  the  Institut  D'Études  Politiques  de  Paris.
Researcher,  facilitator,  and  educator  specializing  in  conflict  resolution,  government  transparency,  and  women’s  economic  development.  As adjunct  professor  and  Assistant  Director  of  Training  at  Northeastern  University,  she  has  facilitated  for  many  diverse  groups  including  Major  League  Baseball,  the  MIT  Sloan  School  of  Management,  the  Boston  Police  Department,  and  the  New  England  Patriots.  She practiced  mediation  and  negotiation  around  the  Boston  area,  most  notably  facilitating  negotiation  trainings  for  Boston’s  Work  Smart  initiative,  which  aims  to  close  the  gender  pay  gap  in  Boston.
Chelsey Lepage is a Program Manager at Reboot, leading domestic and international projects within their governance program. A former international development practitioner, her experience lies at the intersections of civic advocacy, technology and youth engagement on four continents. She brings prior experience working within UNICEF’s global innovation team, as an independent human rights monitor, and consultant with a range of NGOs. 
Coline  Berthaud  has  worked  on  Paris  Participatory  Budgeting  since  2016,  in  the  staff  of  Pauline  Véron,  deputy  mayor  of  Paris  in  charge  of  Local  Democracy,  Citizen  Participation,  Voluntary  Sector,  and  Youth.
He  has  been  working  for  the  Municipality  of  Bologna  since  2003  dealing  with  simplification  of  administrative  procedure  and  citizens'  participation.  He  coordinated  the  team  which  drew  up  the  first  Italian  "Regulation  on  collaboration  between  citizens  and  the  city  for  the  care  and  regeneration  of  urban  commons”  adopted  by  the  Bologna  City  Council  on  2014.  He  is  currently  in  charge  of  simplification  and  civic  collaboration  office  working  on  care  and  regeneration  of  urban  commons.
He is Editorial Adviser and Member of the Strategic Council of the ICSouth News Group of the Newshold Group, newspaper "i", which he directed between March 2012 and September 2015. Journalist, a guest commentator for the RDP, RTP and TVI, he served, among other positions, as Advisor to the Administration of RTP and RDP, Director of the Training Center of RTP, President of Lusa, where he directed Information between 1988-1990, Deputy Director and Information Officer of the RDP and Member of the Board of Directors of the European Photography Agency (EPA).
Professor  of  Politics  at  Bifrost  University  in  Iceland.  He  writes  mainly  on  Nationalism,  Populism,  European  Integration,  Icelandic  Politics  and  on  Participatory  Democracy.  He  is  also  author  of  three  novels  published  in  Icelandic. 
Director  of  the  Department  for  Budgetary  Policy  in  Public  Administration  and  Open  Budget  in  the  Ministry  of  Finance  of  the  Sakhalin  Region,  Russian  Federation.  During  the  last years  she  has  been  responsible  for  coordinating  the  participatory  budgeting  projects  in  the  region  and  overseeing  the  project  on  openness  of  the  regional  budget.  She  coordinates  activities  of  municipal  entities  working  on  participatory  budgeting  projects,  including  on  the  youth  budget.
International  project  manager  at  "democracy  2.1",  a  global  initiative  launched to  transform  the  way  communities  make  decisions.  The  project  combines  an  innovative  voting  system  and  a  digital  platform  which  allows  citizens  to  build  their  own  secure  polls  and  benefit  from  state-of-the-art  analytics  in  real  time.  Developed  in  partnership  with  scientists  at  Cambridge  University  and  the  Brookings  Institution,  the  d21  voting  system  offers  various  ways  of  polls  and  participation.  The  process  is  simple  and  flexible  for  voters,  and  helps  communities  find  consensus  more  quickly.
Scientist  at  the  Spanish  Research  Council, he  is  sociologist  in  a  wide  sense.    His  research  lies  in  the  participation  of  citizens,  as  well  as  procedures  and  tools  that  would  make  it  possible  through  the  problematization  of  deliberation,  the  contemporary  political  space  open  to  participation  and  the  democratization  challenges  resulting.    He  has  worked  extensively  advising  different  administrations  in  the  implementation  of  deliberative  experiences  and  participatory  budgeting.
Community Manager at the Municipality of Cascais did her professional course in journalism (written press and radio), much of which in the project that marked the entry in Portugal of free newspapers, closer to the citizen: Jornal da Região. She started working at the Cascais Municipality in 2007 and is now part of the Brand and Communication Department team, where, in addition to the production of web and audiovisual content in several areas, she is responsible for the Participatory Budget dossier. The great challenge is "to establish bridges" that allow to amplify the communication among the most diverse publics.
Senior Public Opinion Researcher at Dalia Research since 2016. Over the past 2 years he has lead projects across Europe, the Americas and China measuring political risk, social unrest, populism and democracy. He recently helped design the Democracy Perception Index, which measures citizens' trust in their governments in over 50 countries. He  holds  a  BA  from  the Woodrow  Wilson  School  of  International  and  Public  Affairs  of  Princeton  University.
Architect,  planner  and  senior  researcher  at  the  Centre  of  Social  Studies  of  Coimbra  University,  is  Visiting  Fellow  at  the  Witwatersrand  University  in  Johannesburg  and  member  of  the  Institute  for  Democracy  and  Democratization  of  Communication  of  the  University  of  Minas  Gerais,  Brazil.  For  the  mandate  2014-2019  he  is  co-chair  of  the  Independent  Authority  for  the  Promotion  of  Participation  in  Tuscany.
Head  of  project  teams  at  Cascais  Municipality,  she  has been  involved  in  community  intervention  projects  in  different  territories,  with professional  challenges  requiring  high  levels  of  participation  and  capacity  to  involve  citizens  and  networking  with  organizations.  She  holds  a  degree  in  Social  Policy  with  a  high  degree  of  experience  in  innovative  projects  in  the  areas  of  social  exclusion,  citizenship,  participation  and  participatory  democracy,  such  as  the  Special  Rehabilitation  Program,  participatory  budgeting (PB)  and  young  PB.
Involved in international work since 1995 in divers positions and roles. Currently running a 'social' company called Produções Fixe, focusing on training, development and design of educational boardgames (e.g. Plan B, 7 Days, The Real Ideal), community building projects and coaching of young people. Active on both national as international level, is part of a serie of trainerspools for repetitive training courses organised within the frame of YiA (e.g. BTM, TICTAC, The Power of NFE, Cut the ICE, ATOQ).
She completed her Masters in "Environmental Change and Management" at the University of Oxford and was Technical Adviser at the Permanent Representation of Portugal to the European Union. Her professional experience includes, among others, Advisor at the Ministry of the Environment, Coordinator of Agenda 21 in Cascais, Researcher at Instituto Superior Técnico. She is currently a councilor of the Municipality of Cascais
Degree  in  management  by  Católica  University  in  95  and  master  in  New  Ventures  by  California  State  University.founded  several  companies  in  the  communication,  advertisement,  technology  and  cultural  sectors. He  was  responsible  for  creating  and  manage  the  first  European  digital  film  festival. He  was  responsible  for  the  coordination  of  economic  and  cultural  diplomacy  in  Camões,  IP  –  Portuguese  Ministry  of  Foreign  Affair. Since  2014  he  has  been  Head  of  Future  at  the  Cascais Municipality.
Consultant  to  the  World  Bank  for  the  implementation  of  the  Participatory  Budgeting in  several  Municipalities  and  regions  of  Mozambique,  Mexico  and  Russia,  and  of  many  municipalities  in  Portugal.  Consultant  to  the UN  and  the  Government  of  Cape  Verde  for  the  implementation  of  PB  in  four  Municipalities  and  to  the  Portuguese  Government  for  the  implementation  of  the  National  Youth  PB.  He  is  coordinator  of  the  Network  of  Participative  Authorities  of  Portugal  and  author  of  several  books  on  PB.
Head  of  the  Inclusion,  Neutrality  and  Privacy  Service  of  the  General  Direction  of  Citizen  Participation  of  the  City  Council  of  Madrid.  Internal  trainer  in  the  course  of  "Citizen  Participation  in  municipal  policies". Bachelor  of  Law,  was  Deputy  General  Director  of  the  General  Subdirectorate  of  Real  Estate  Heritage  of  the  Ministry  of  Administration.  Was head  of  the  department  of  contractual  legal  regime, Transversal  Commission  for  Gender  Equality  of  the  Madrid  City  Council,  the  Disability  Advisory  Council  and  other  working  groups.
Chief Innovation Officer at LUSA, the Portuguese News Agency, since 1 October 2018. Former journalist at Tempo, Notícias de Primeira Página and Semanário, three weekly newspapers, was Economics Editor of daily newspapers Público and Diário de Notícias, Deputy Director of Público and of Visãonewsmagazine. He held the position of Editor-in-Chief of Visão and publisher at Impresa Media Group for 13 years until he joined LUSA, as Editor-in-Chief, in October 2015.  
Holds  the  Millennium  bcp  Chair  in  Finance  at  Nova  School  of  Business  and  Economics  since  2007.  He  was  Professor  of  Finance  at  UCLA's  Anderson  School  of  Management, and received  a  Ph.D.  degree  in  Management  from  INSEAD,  France.  He  is  a  research  associate  of  the  National  Bureau  of  Economic  Research,  a  research  Fellow  of  the  Center  for  Economic  Policy  Research,  and  has  served  on  the  editorial  boards  of  the  Journal  of  Financial  and  Quantitative  Analysis,  the  Journal  of  Business  and  Economic  Statistics and Management  Science.  
Data director for the New York Civic Engagement Table, co-founder of Progressive HackNight, co-chair of the PBNYC Steering Committee and  the Chair of OpenSupporter.
Senior  Public  Sector  Specialist  at  the  World  Bank’s  Governance  Global  Practice.  Having  joined  the  Bank  in  2010,  Tiago’s  activities  focus  on  working  with  governments  to  develop  solutions  for  better  public  policies  and  services.  Tiago  holds  a  PhD  and  a  Masters  in  Political  Science  from  the  European  University  Institute,  as  well  as  a  Masters  in  Organized  Collective  Action  from  Sciences-Po  Paris.




Secretary General of the Union of Capital Cities of Portuguese Official Language is licensed in Law. Recognised for his knowledge about Portuguese speaking countries, he has held various positions, such as Secretary of State for Labor, consultant of the Civil House of the President of the Republic, Assistant Secretary of State of the Minister of Economy, President of INATEL and Vice President of the Portuguese Red Cross. Currently, he is also one of the 5 personalities of Recognized Merit of the Economic and Social Council (ESC).






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