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Smart Citizenship Academy | Program 2019

Smart Citizenship Academy's program for the 2019 edition
02:00pm – 02:30pm | Register
02:30pm – 03:00pm | Opening session
Daniel Traça - Dean of Nova School of Business and Economics
Carlos Carreiras - Mayor of Cascais Municipality
03:00pm – 05:00pm | To understand the crisis of democracy
Daniel Innerarity - Professor of Political Philosophy, University of the Basque Country, Ikerbasque Foundation of Science, European University Institute of Florence
Tiago Fernandes - Professor, Nova University. Lisbon
Gustavo Cardoso - Professor, ISCTE-IUL
05:00pm - 06:30pm | Cocktail and group photo
10:00am – 11:15am | Artificial intelligence and democracy: Risks and potentialities
António Branco - Professor, University of Algarve
Arlindo Oliveira - President of the Instituto Superior Técnico
11:30am – 11:50am | Coffee-break
11:50am – 01:00pm | Artificial intelligence and democracy: Risks and potentialities (cont.)
01:00pm – 02:30pm | Lunch (in NOVA SBE)
02:30pm – 06:00pm | Workshops
Group A - Socially inclusive participatory processes
Andrés Falck - Coglobal: Coordination
Anna Sukhova - World Bank: The participation of disabled people
Stefano Stortone - BiPart: Participation at Milan–Bollate Detention Center (Italy)
Martin Sande - Dialogues: The participation of Immigrants in Gothenburg (Sweden)
Group B - Transparency and open data
Lorena Rivero - GIFT: Coordination
Juan Pablo Guerrero - GIFT: Overview of the discussion of public participation in national fiscal policies
Andisile Best, del National Treasury, South Africa: Building a collaborative system government/CSO for meaningful transparency and participation (South Africa)
Jeannette von Wolferdorff - Observatorio Fiscal: Monitoring the budget process from civil society using digital tools (Chile)
10:00am – 10:45am | Participatory Budgeting Worldwide Atlas - Public presentation (SEE THE DOCUMENT HERE)
Nelson Dias - Consultant
10:45am – 11:30am | Participatory Budgeting Worldwide Atlas - Comments
Ivan Shulga (Russia) - Consultant
11:30am – 11:50am | Coffee-break
11:50am – 01:00pm | Participatory Budgeting Worldwide Atlas - Comments (cont.)
Mbay Mame Aissatou (Senegal) - Consultant
Josh Lerner (USA) - Consultant
01:00pm – 02:30pm | Lunch (in NOVA SBE)
02:30pm – 06:00pm | Workshops
Group C - The institutionalization of participatory budgeting: Threats and potentialities
Lena Langlet - SALAR: Coordination
Stephanie McNulty: The law of mandatory Participatory Budgeting in Peru
Jaroslaw Olejniczak: The law to encourage Participatory Budgeting in Poland
Group D - Participation mechanisms by sampling
Adrià Duarte - OIDP: Coordination
Jaehak - Participatory Budgeting of Eunpyeong District, Seoul, South Korea: Broader Democracy, Deeper Democracy
Pilar Vilar - Member of the City of Madrid's Observatory
Group E - Participatory Systems
Giovanni Allegretti - Center for Social Studies, Coimbra University: Coordination
Kyungmin Lee - Government innovation support unit, Ministry of the Interior and Safety: National Participatory System of South Korea
Joana Balsemão - Municipality of Cascais:Participatory System of Cascais
Tomáš Rákos - Founder, Participation Factory: Participatory System of Prague, Czech Republic
10:00am – 01:00pm | Children and youth participation - an imperative of democracy
Matilde Cardoso - Student, Carcavelos Secondary School: Coordination
Maria Andrade - Cascais Youth Participatory Budget
Noah Zino - Organizer of the Student Climate Strike (National Movement)
Ana Galeote – Youth participation in the Sustainable Development Goals
Ezequiel del Corral - Fundação Scholas Occurrentes
01:00pm | Lunch (in NOVA SBE) and end of the Smart Citizenship Academy